Patrick Kennedy
One day on a whitewater kayaking trip, I was awakened to the power of God when he saved me from a Class V (Five) rapid called “Pure Screaming Hell”. I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time and probably should have died. As I was washed into the rapid, I had to pull out of my kayak, and dove into the whitewater. Miraculously when I came up, I found myself on the other side. People were shocked that I had made it. All I could say was “OH MY GOD”, over and over - It was unexplainable. I knew it was God that had saved me from “Pure Screaming Hell”.
Soon after that moment I found Jesus in my bedroom one night. After a series of difficult situations, I found myself crying out, “Jesus if you’re real, show yourself to me!” In that moment an intense presence and heat knocked me on to my bed. I was filled with joy and began weeping in the presence of Jesus. I then heard a still quite voice say “Are you ready for a real Adventure?” I cried out “Yes, I believe, I believe in You.”
Until Jesus awakened me to true Life, I was bound to life in the natural. Through Jesus I have been set free and given supernatural Life by His Spirit - Life that the natural world cannot give. Now when I find moments of awe by a sunset, a warm feeling from a hug, and the thrill of a new adventure I thank God for those moments, and I praise Jesus for the supernatural gift of Life, Love, Peace, and Joy that only he can give, and that are ever present and always available to me.
“But when the Father sends the Spirit of Holiness, the One like me who sets you free, he will teach you all things in my name. And he will inspire you to remember every word that I’ve told you. “I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!” - John 14:26-27 TPT