

I often find myself baffled by all of the truly devastating experiences people go through. There is just so much pain-so much heartache in this world. I’m lucky to say I haven’t gone through many of the worst things that so many unfortunately have. But even though my stories so far may not be the most shocking or heart-wrenching, they are mine, and experience is relative. I will never know the true depths of someone else’s story, but I know the depths of my own. There have been a few times in my life where I felt as though I hit a personal rock-bottom. In those times, I turned to the Lord. I turned to my faith. I didn’t even know what it was that I needed to change my life, but I knew I needed Him and that he would show me. Each time, little by little my hope was restored. It was not an easy process. In fact, it was a bit of a train wreck. But, I found myself wondering, if even I, someone with this faith, am struggling so hard to push through pain, how does someone who doesn’t know the Lord get through their hard times? What’s the difference between how a non-Christian and a Christian struggle?

Hope. That was the biggest realization for me. The answer is hope. God has met me wherever I am, and he has never failed to offer a greater perspective than my own. And more importantly, my hope is not about hoping things “get better” or hoping that my circumstances would change. It’s about seeing God. Feeling his touch in your life. Participating in his work as we interact with those in our circles. Believing that nothing is purposeless, and he is always present, always wanting us to turn to him, always wanting to work. He wants to know us, understand us, console us, encourage us, challenge us, and more importantly love us perfectly. He wants to satisfy your soul’s desire to be known. He wants to give you purpose - a holistic and everlasting purpose for how you live each day.

Nothing else on earth can provide that ultimate, absolute, and indestructible hope that our Lord Jesus Christ can.

For that reason, I desperately read scriptures and pray constantly so that I can participate in what God’s will is for who he wants me to be and what he wants me to see and hear.

My hope for you reader is that you approach your curiosity about Christianity with an open heart. Pray, and then read the Bible. Talk to God like you would your most trusted friend. Ask him questions. You will see him move in your life. He wants to know you and he is faithful to meet those who seek him.  He’s been waiting for you.


Matthew Bacchus


Rachel Marissa