One Question. Many Responses. Why Jesus?
Alysia Oldacre
And when I had reached the end of myself, Jesus met me. He met me when I moved from New York to Texas by myself, without my family, as a sixteen year old girl. He met me in my bedroom when I called my parents crying that I wanted to come home. He met me when I felt forgotten and alone, when I felt like life was on permanent pause. It was when the sunlight pierced through my window and in the deafening silence of my bedroom thinking nobody cared about my existence that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, met me there and whispered, “I do”.
Matthew Bacchus
If I’m being completely honest, I wrestle with the belief and reality of Jesus all the time, yet my heart still seems to be reaching for that hem off His robe multiple times a day. I resonate well with that man before Jesus when he says, “I believe, help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) An imperative cry of falling in and out of love.
Lisa Olian
Looking at my hands, I then envisioned His - I envisioned the nail marks on his hands, representing what He did for me...what He did for you. And then I looked back again at my hands - weeping in fascination at every detail, every perfectly placed marking and wrinkle. That day I was struck by the weight of the price Jesus paid for me, because of His great love for me. 1 Peter 1:16, “Be holy, because I am holy”, took on a new meaning to me on that day. It marked me with a new vision to walk in radical obedience and purity unto the Lord.
Patrick Kennedy
Soon after that moment I found Jesus in my bedroom one night. After a series of difficult situations, I found myself crying out, “Jesus if you’re real, show yourself to me!” In that moment an intense presence and heat knocked me on to my bed. I was filled with joy and began weeping in the presence of Jesus. I then heard a still quite voice say “Are you ready for a real Adventure?” I cried out “Yes, I believe, I believe in You.”.
Bria McPhee
So when you ask, “Why Jesus”, I’d tell you because in His loving kindness Jesus continued to pursue me even when I wanted nothing to do with Him. He saved me from suicidal thoughts and intentions. I had a radical encounter with Jesus that had me delivered from and set free of the evil influences over my life! While I was trying to take this life that was precious, God saved it and is now using this same life to SPEAK life into others!